Hand In Hand

Hand In Hand

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Time is Moving Slowly

I feel like this 2ww is moving sooooo slowly. It's taking forever just to get to Thanksgiving. I'm testing then, if AF doesn't show up right on time. I guess we'll see. I'm still not feeling anything different...I've got the sore boobs, the emotional sensitivity, and all that good stuff. But that all started when I started the Endometrin. All that progesterone pumping through my body is making me crazy. Ugh...come on Turkey Day! I want to know all ready, the wait is starting to drive me crazy. Not that I'm one to get myself all excited, like I said, I'm not feeling anything different. I don't overanalyze symptoms. I think you just leave yourself open for disappointment. So I'm just trying to wait...I know that AF will be UGLY this cycle because I have a very plump and full uterine lining, thanks progesterone! So I guess it's just more of the same waiting game as I've gone through for how many months now??


  1. The 2WW is awful. Hoping it passes quickly for you and you get your miracle!!


  2. I'm here from Mel's, and just found your blog.

    oh, the dreaded 2WW! Hang in there, I hope that these next 5 days fly by and that you have happy news for the holiday!

    Nixy ICLW
